Dental Member Plans offered at Georgetown Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr. Tyler Wolf and his office are now offering a dental member plan to help save you and your family money. You can purchase this plan for yourself or for anyone in your family.
Questions about which plan is right for you? Please give our office a call and we are happy to discuss the plan that’s right for you.
Child Preventative
(13 years and under)
- 2 professional hygiene cleanings
- 2 doctor oral exams / cancer screenings
- All needed X-rays to complete exams
- Fluoride Varnish (2X per year)
- Development / Orthodontic evaluation
- 15% (cash) off other treatment
- 12% (credit) off other treatment
$300 (save $140+)
Adult Preventative
(14+ years)
- 2 professional hygiene cleanings
- 2 doctor oral exams / cancer screenings
- All needed X-rays to complete exams
- Panoramic X-ray (every 5 years)
- Fluoride Varnish (2X per year)
- Periodontal Charting / Screening
- 15% (cash) off other treatment
- 12% (credit) off other treatment
$350 (save $99+)
Adult Maintenance
- 3 periodontal maintenance cleanings
- 2 doctor oral exams / cancer screenings
- All needed X-rays to complete exams
- Panoramic X-ray (every 5 years)
- Fluoride Varnish (2X per year)
- Periodontal Charting / Screening
- 15% (cash) off other treatment
- 12% (credit) off other treatment
$625 (save $142+)
*There is no additional annual fee – you just need to become a patient of record and maintain up-to-date new patient / comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays (every 5 years)*
Membership plan – things to know:
- This is a discount plan for cash paying patients and cannot be used with any insurance plans.
- If you obtain dental benefits during plan period, the plan will be null and void.
- HSA accounts can be used to pay.
- Non-transferable and non-refundable. No refunds for any unused services during plan year.
- All plan fees are due and payable at the time of registration. Plan duration is one year from registration date.
- We will keep a credit card on file to make renewal easy. We will notify you prior to renewal.
- Plan renewal payment is due at the beginning of the same month of the original effective date.
- Patient is fully responsible for maximizing benefits by arranging all appropriate appointments within the 12 month plan period.
- All additional discounted services – payment in full is due on the date of the service.
- All no-show and late cancellation fees remain in effect for all appointments
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday – Wednesday: 8am – 5pm
Thursday: 7am – 3pm
Let’s Connect!
Schedule An Appointment or Consultation
Dr. Tyler Wolf helps to improve patients’ smiles with comprehensive plans of cosmetic, restorative, and preventative dentistry.
About Georgetown Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr. Tyler Wolf and his team at Georgetown Family and Cosmetic Dentistry strive to create a great environment for all of their patients while achieving the smile they've always wanted. Learn more about our dentist and our dental office.
Preventative Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
CEREC Dentistry
Emergency Dentistry
Phone: 616-457-4600
Email: [email protected]
Office: 7678 Cottonwood Drive Jenison, MI 49428